John Cronin

The Three Women Who Changed My Life

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John Cronin's idyllic early life on a farm in Ontario, Canada, was altered forever when the polio he contracted at age four left him a paraplegic. Then, when he was studying at the University of Waterloo, retinitis pigmentosa blinded him. Deeply depressed, he began to pursue a life of travel, always searching for the elusive goals of fulfillment and happiness.

From his childhood to the present day, John invites us to ride along with him, from the lowest depths to the loftiest heights. There are vivid accounts of extreme physical suffering, deep disappointments, countless frustrations, and having to deal with permanent and worsening physical limitations. Yet he traveled between Canada and Jamaica numerous times over many years, smuggling concentrated marijuana oil back home until he was eventually busted. His stint in a Jamaican prison was mercifully brief, but the description of it will make your skin crawl.

Then, just when John was about to give up on Jamaica, he met the love of his life there. Gillian White and he were married in 1993, and she came to live with him in rural Ontario. The last few chapters of the book are suffused with his boundless gratitude and joy.

This book is his moving tribute to Gillian, his mother, and his sister, the three women who changed his life.

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About the Author

John Walter Cronin was born in 1955 and was adopted at six months by a farming family in Ontario, Canada. At the age of four, he contracted polio, which left him a paraplegic.

Understanding that he needed a good education if he wanted to succeed, John attended the University of Waterloo. It was there in the late 1970s and early '80s that he obtained his bachelor's and master’s degrees. His main areas of study were metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and politics.

After becoming blind due to RP (retinitis pigmentosa), he began to travel, living in Alberta, Texas, and Jamaica. John met Gillian White in Jamaica, where they married in 1993.

John enjoys reading, writing, and sharing interesting conversations with longtime friends over a beer.

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