Winslow Parker

Hitler's Hell

And Other Stories of Divine Justice

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Most Christians believe in the division of humanity into two groups—the saved and the lost. The saved go to an existence of peace. The "lost" are either burned up or tortured forever in fiery torment. In these stories, rather than being retributive, vengeful, and vindictive, God is portrayed as an infinitely loving Father Who desires, and will have, the best for all His children. He will not kill, or worse, torture eternally those whom He brought into existence. In harmony with this, I attempt to portray a hell that is restorative, healing, and mending rather than destructive or eternally painful. The product is a friend, a loving comrade, a fit eternal companion for Father and all humanity.

These stories are fiction, yet I believe they are true in the deepest sense of that word. I am not attempting to portray in any literal sense God's actual methods, His process of hell. Rather, these are allegories of His eternally planned outcomes for all humanity. ...

Could we but see the beauty of God's unfailing love and accept that His hell is restorative and not retributive, a dramatic change could sweep our justice system, our nation, and our religion. There are already glimmerings in the Restorative Justice movement, which largely partakes of the spirit of these stories.

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About the Author

Winslow Parker lives with his wife in Portland, Oregon, where he is retired from his work teaching other blind people how to use computers. Together they have two children and three grandchildren. He enjoys his grandchildren, writing, and woodturning.

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