Lisbeth Ann Williams

Question Everything:
Overcoming Passivity in a Perilous World

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About the Book

Question Everything is a book about nature. It is about our human nature and Mother Nature—and our intimate relationship with her. You will be compelled, after reading this book, to see yourself as part of Nature and not something separate. You will be made to understand that Nature is our greatest teacher. You will come away with a different perspective, having been made to see and to question those things which you have unconsciously accepted.

The author has attempted to shed light on issues that have been previously ignored. She poses questions that will stimulate your understanding of humanity’s role in the world. You will be roused from your apathy about those subjects to which you have remained sightless and numb. You will be encouraged to recognize and value the importance of air, water, soil, and sunlight and know that we cannot continue to take them for granted or to exploit them. This book will awaken you to the sad plight of global warming, species loss, climate change, greed, and violence, to racial, political, and general imbalance. At the same time, you will see that we have the means by which we can solve these problems.

Although the author does not have the answers to the growing planetary dilemma in which we find ourselves, we can, by questioning everything, find the answers that will guide our planet toward healing and the bringing forth of a new paradigm. We can have a world without violence. We can have peace on Earth.

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Swan Sanctuary's Guide
to Responsible Swan Stewardship

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About the Book

Based on the author's personal experience with the Swan Research Program in Warrenton, Virginia, this book is a detailed and innovative guide to swan care. Augmented by numerous drawings and charts, it provides extensive information on the trapping, feeding, health, and year–round care of captive swans. All seven swan species are discussed, with special attention given to the Trumpeter and Tundra swans (the two species native to the U.S.), as well as to the invasive, non–native Mute swan. In just over 150 pages, the manual covers not only all aspects of swan care, but also seeks to raise environmental awareness and to address various moral and legal ramifications of the keeping of captive swans.

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About the Author

Under the guidance of Dr. William J. L. Sladen, to whom her book is dedicated, Lisbeth Ann Williams helped to care for a collection of over 70 swans in Virginia—first as a volunteer, then as a contractor/consultant. She has also completed Master Gardener training. She is the sole proprietor of Swan Sanctuary, which she founded in 2010. She continues to write and garden, and is available for consultations on swan care.

Contact Information

Phone: (540) 395-9822